In this section you can see all the sculptures that have mosaic, if you are interested on a specific image, click it and it will send you to a page for that particular image and more information about it.
Imagene learning to create human figure sculptures that you don't need to fire to have a finish piece. this class is for you.
Great material fos sculptures inor outdoor, no experience needed
Friday 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM at Spruill Center for the Arts
01/10/25 to 03/07/2025
Online classes
Introduction to Pal tiya
This class is in Mosaic Arts online and is available for anyone to enroll from the comfort of their home, with step by step videos and also extra bonus material at the end.
Pal Tiya is a wonderful material easy to use for the creation of your mosaic substrates.
To get in touch, please use my online form or call 678-820-8418
Maria Sarmiento
Sarmiento Studio
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