Introduction to Paltiya

This class benefit those who are interested in an easy to use sculpture media to create 3D substrates that does not require molds, kilns or heavy armature. Pal Tiya works like clay that air hardens as concrete to create 3-D substrates that can be placed in and outdoors. Your armature can be made with cardboard and tin foil, perfect for beginners and great fun for intermediate students that want to push for more complex forms. Participants will learn the basics of Pal Tiya mixing, by creating a small armature and covering it with the first layers of Pal Tiya. Additionally, you will receive information about tooling, sanding and finishes. Participants will have 3lb of material to experiment during the class and add more details later at their home. You can add more layers as you desire it doesn’t have a time constrain making it better than concrete and less heavy. Most of the class will be hands-on and other parts will have images of processes and finishes. I have been teaching sculpture for more than 20 years at all age-group levels and this material is far one of my favorite mediums, easy to manipulate, strong and once cured for a week for indoors and 28 days for outdoor in any weather and you can add mosaic to its surface.

This calss is available for groups or individually in my Atlanta studio or i can  travel to teach the class as well. Please fill up the contact form  for more details.

What's New


Figure Sculpting with Paltiya

Imagene learning to create human figure sculptures that you don't need to fire to have a finish piece. this class is for you.

Great material fos sculptures inor outdoor, no experience needed

Friday 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM at Spruill Center for the Arts

01/10/25 to 03/07/2025

Stained Glass new classes at Spruill Center for the Arts


Open Studio Stained Glass class @Spruillarts Tuesdays 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

01/14/2025 to 03/04/2025

Beginner  Stained Glass                           Tuesday 10:30-12:30 and 6:00PM-8:00PM 01/14/2025-03/07/2025                    Friday   01/10/2025-03/07/2025 3:00-5:00 and    6:00-8:00 PM Spruill Center for the Arts



Learn the art of stained glass using the foil technique. In this fun class, I will demonstrate how to cut, grind, foil and solder glass. student will create betwee 2 to 4 projects.



Online classes

Introduction to Pal tiya

This class is in  Mosaic Arts online and is available for anyone to enroll from the comfort of their home, with step by step videos and also extra bonus material at the end.

Pal Tiya is a wonderful material easy to use for the creation of your mosaic substrates.


Contact Me

To get in touch, please use my online form or call  678-820-8418


Maria Sarmiento

Sarmiento Studio


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